
Present Parenting Solutions is doing the #mindthemilestone Movement.
You only bring out your intervention plan or behavior plan when you understand what children in each stage go through, and with a clear picture of your child’s personality.
It’s good to note the following:
1. Behavior is always purpose-driven, and it is a form of communication.
Read up on the nature and characteristics of children aged 2+
The bottom line is, we need to be emotionally responsive. Not sure how you can be? Read this: https://www.presentparentingsolutions.com/single-post/2017/05/01/Hey-Moms-and-Dads-Lets-Be-Emotionally-Responsive
2. Discipline is NOT just punishment. Discipline . . .
helps keep children safe
To know how to establish a predictable, secure, and loving environment, visit:
is needed so children know how to act in different circumstances
is giving our child alternative, appropriate ways
is a way to teach values and qualities
3. Discipline only works when we do it with love and consistency
Here is how to use thinking words when we talk with our child: https://www.presentparentingsolutions.com/single-post/2017/06/24/Fighting-Words-vs-Thinking-Words
And if it still doesn’t happen (your child won’t still listen!), see how you can shift paradigm: https://www.presentparentingsolutions.com/single-post/2017/06/13/Ive-Done-All-the-Tips-from-Parenting-Books-and-My-Boy-Still-Won%E2%80%99t-Do-it-Now-What-Trust-in-Your-Child%E2%80%99s-Goodness
Also, read this in Filipino:
If doubt yourself and you feel you’re gentle parent, here’s how to interrupt the tantrum: https://www.presentparentingsolutions.com/single-post/2017/06/07/Interrupt-the-tantrum-Parenting-Tip-for-the-Not-so-gentle-Parents
Here’s how we can be present and mindful of the words we use: https://www.presentparentingsolutions.com/single-post/2017/06/11/Less-Drama-More-Love-How-You-React-Says-More-About-You-than-About-Your-Child
4. For effective discipline, we NEED to understand the behavior. And we need to make the effort of understanding it.
Not sure if it’s a tantrum or a meltdown? Here, read this:
There is so much to read and learn, and you don’t have to follow all! It’s your journey with your child, your family, so see what works best.
Here are our go-to’s, our beloved references.
In case you don’t have time to read all these, you may talk to us about your individual needs.
Contact us through presentparentingsolutions@gmail.com or +639158593749
We wish you the best in parenting, and if you need to breathe, let us be your safe place!